Best Posture/Tips For Jobs Where You're On The Go: Construction

Working in the construction industry can be very physically challenging on the human body. Spending long hours in the sun, repeatedly bending over to carry things, and staying on your feet. All of which places unwanted stress and strain on the body that can increase your risk of injury over time. So, here are some small tips to help you maintain better posture, reduce fatigue, and avoid injury at work. 

Correct lifting posture 

Here at Tan Chiro, we see many low back injuries that are caused by incorrect lifting posture. Here are a couple of things to avoid and ways to improve your lifting posture so you don’t put yourself at risk of work injury:

How are you lifting? Avoid bending forward and using your low back to carry the weight. Make sure you are using your legs! Imagine you are squatting and bend at the hips and knees and make sure the object stays close to your body. This will ensure that you are lifting safely and not going to strain your back. Also making sure you have a wide and stable base to help with balance. Look straight ahead, and keep your back straight, chest out,  shoulders back and brace your abdominal muscles before lifting. 

Avoid lifting objects that are out of your reach. When leaning forward and reaching out to grab something, you place your low back in a compromised, weaker, and unstable position. 

When you lean forward, your back muscles have to work harder to protect the spine and low back. Our backs don’t like this and often this leads to injury. Therefore, always remember to keep the object you are lifting close to your body. 

Avoid twisting your torso while carrying heavy objects. 

If it’s too heavy, get some help. When lifting heavy objects, make sure you are aware of your limits. It’s always better to ask for assistance if you cannot lift something safely. 

Stay Hydrated and Get your Electrolytes 

When you’re working in the blistering Australian heat it is important to keep hydrated. Stay on top of your daily water intake aiming for 1L per 25kg of body weight. Also, consider electrolyte drinks or tablets to reduce the side effects of excessive sweating. 

Common Conditions

As a construction worker, you may also experience pain on the outside of your elbow. Commonly, this is from Lateral Epicondylitis or more known as Tennis Elbow. The majority of the time, it is from overusing and overworking the extensor muscles of the forearm and wrist when working with your tools. Mainly from using your screwdriver. As you can imagine, this can be hard to avoid. But with the correct advice and exercise from your local chiropractor, you can reduce the pain. 

See also: TMJ specialist Brisbane

Other Common Conditions construction workers can experience

Low back pain - Many times, this is from improper lifting technique and the lack of conscious safe lifting. Also from being on your feet for long hours. 

Neck pain - This can be caused from constantly looking up when working overhead. 

Shoulder pain - shoulder pain can range from sharp pain to achy muscle pain. A lot of the time, this can be caused from reaching overhead and carrying objects overhead. 

Elbow and Wrist Pain - Pain in the elbow and wrist usually arises with small repetitive movements and tasks that require tools. 

Pain in the wrist may arise in the form of Carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have wrist pain on the palmar side of your wrist, with the addition of numbness or tingling into the thumb, 2nd and 3rd digits and starting to feel a bit weak, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Luckily, all of these conditions can be helped with chiropractic care. Consider seeing your local chiropractor (or us, your north Brisbane chiropractors!) to have your body checked and working at its best to keep you at work and living a healthy lifestyle.


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