Chiropractic for Back Pain.

Chiropractic & Back Pain, Brisbane - What is it, ways of treatment, how Tan Chiro Can help

Back pain refers to pain that you may feel anywhere in your back or spine. It is a very common problem: 1 in 6 Australians report having back problems, and 4 out of 5 experience at least 1 episode in their life. Read more to find out more about back pain, or contact our chiropractor in North Brisbane to speak to a qualified chiro about back pain treatment in Brisbane.

Types of Back Pain

Back pain can be grouped into different categories. Lower back pain refers to pain felt in the lower part of the spine (the lumbar spine). Back problems can also affect the upper back (the thoracic spine), the neck (cervical spine) as well as the tailbone (coccyx).

People experience back pain in different ways: 

  • You may feel it as a sharp pain, others report it as aches or spasms

  • You may also feel stiff, or find it hard to turn or bend

  • In some cases, you may feel pain or discomfort travelling down one or both your legs

  • It may affect you mentally - back pain that hangs around may cause you to feel irritable or fatigued

Back Pain

What Causes Back Pain?

  • Low Back Pain (including general Back Pain)

    Your spine is made up of 24 small bones called vertebrae. They are stacked on top of each other with discs in the middle. The discs act as shock absorbers and give your spine flexibility to bend and rotate.
    Vertebrae are joined together by joints called ‘facet’ joints which allows the spine to bend and rotate. These joints and your spine are further held together by a network of ligaments and muscles to provide support but also allowing movement at the same time.
    These structures can be the source of back pain, and in most cases pain does not necessarily mean significant damage.
    Back pain can be caused by:

    • Weak back and abdominal muscles

    • Poor posture

    • Prolonged sitting

    • Muscle strain or spasm or fatigue

    • Little to no physical exertion

    • Increased weight

    • Pregnancy-related weakness

Back Pain: When Should You See a Chiropractor?

Chiropractors deal with back pain on a daily basis. Because the spectrum of back pain causes can be broad, it’s best to give us a call and pop in so we can conduct a thorough assessment. 

If needed to, we may refer you out for X-rays to better understand your problem. Spinal X-rays referred by chiropractors a bulk-billed by Medicare. 

However, if you’re getting any of the symptoms listed below you should see your GP as soon as you can: 

  • Causes new bowel or bladder problems

  • Is accompanied by a fever

  • Follows a fall, blow to your back or other injury

Back pain Brisbane

Back Pain: How Tan Chiro Can Help


Spinal Manipulation


Chiropractors are highly trained in assessing for restriction in spinal joints (it’s the main thing we do all day, every day!). 

Chiropractic manipulations and techniques are modified to suit different body types.
Some people may respond well to firm manipulation techniques, some are more suited to gentle low force techniques which include Activator & Drop Piece adjusting. 

We check you out and take your preferences and conditions into consideration before starting with treatment!


Dry Needling Therapy


Dr Jace is also proficient at dry needling therapy and uses it to complement your treatment.


Muscular Stretching & Other Advice


We also prescribe different stretches and take-home exercises you can do to speed up your recovery. In some cases, additional advice regarding various supplements or vitamins intake will also be given to help you along. 


Bulk billing and ADF $400 benefit now available

Are part of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Family Health Program? If so, you should be entitled to $400 which could be spent on allied health and medical specialists. Under the program members are entitled $400 per financial year for each registered dependant of this benefit. Click here for more information.

Bulk billing is also available to eligible patients.

Speak to an experienced chiropractor about your back pain

  • See also

    Your spine is made up of 24 small bones called vertebrae. They are stacked on top of each other with discs in the middle. The discs act as shock absorbers and give your spine flexibility to bend and rotate.
    Vertebrae are joined together by joints called ‘facet’ joints which allows the spine to bend and rotate. These joints and your spine are further held together by a network of ligaments and muscles to provide support but also allowing movement at the same time.
    These structures can be the source of back pain, and in most cases pain does not necessarily mean significant damage.
    Back pain can be caused by:

    • Weak back and abdominal muscles

    • Poor posture

    • Prolonged sitting

    • Muscle strain or spasm or fatigue

    • Little to no physical exertion

    • Increased weight

    • Pregnancy-related weakness