Addressing Breastfeeding Difficulties: How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Breastfeeding your newborn child is an integral part of their development and growth as this is the only way they are able to feed and get their nutrients in the first 6 months to a year. It is also recommended that you breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months and continue for the next 1 to 2 years while introducing solid foods slowly (World Health Organisation). 

However, it is quite common for mums and bubs to experience breastfeeding difficulties. This may come as a worry but fortunately, there are some quite common reasons for this which can be addressed by chiropractors to help breastfeeding. 

Common Issues 

Poor latching and Positioning 

Poor latching can be due to improper positioning of you and the child. It can lead to ineffective breastfeeding and improper draining of the breast which means your newborn isn’t getting enough milk. This means your baby will not gain a healthy amount of weight. It is usually best that you reach out to your lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist for advice and ways to improve this process. But, with the right pediatric chiropractor (Dr. Jace) you can improve your baby’s latching and breastfeeding with the right advice and care. 

A preference for one side 

At times, you may notice that your newborn prefers breastfeeding on one side and may not like to feed on the other. This may be due to spinal movement restrictions in the upper neck which may have been caused by the traumatic forces of childbirth. These movement restrictions may be very uncomfortable for your newborn as they try to breastfeed. You may also notice this preference as they are lying on their backs which can potentially lead to flattening of your baby’s head on one side. This is called Plagiocephaly. This can often be helped with upper neck adjustments and mobilisations and rehabilitative exercises as simple as stimulating your baby with toys to get them to turn the other way or tummy time. This will ensure that your baby is distributing their head weight evenly, not just on one side. However, we do recommend consulting your nearest chiropractor for more information. 
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Tongue Ties 

Tongue ties can also contribute to breastfeeding difficulties. A tongue tie can sometimes make it difficult for the baby to stick their tongue out far enough to latch onto the nipple. This may result in your baby sucking harder to compensate. However, this can also lead to painful breastfeeding and sore nipples. Chiropractic care can help relieve the symptoms of a tongue tie by treating the upper neck with adjustments which can stimulate the vagus nerve and improve swallowing, feeding and digestion. However, tongue ties may require surgical removal if severe and causing physical restrictions.

Other common issues

Some Common Breastfeeding Problems may be a result of poor breastfeeding posture and latching. It is important that these issues are addressed to reduce the likelihood of these problems to occur. 

Sore and cracked nipples can be a result of poor latching, tongue ties, or infection. 

To prevent further irritation, make sure that your baby and your nipple is positioned correctly, avoid soaps that may dry out your skin, leaving your bra off to let your nipple dry, changing and keeping your breast pads dry if using them. Thrush infections are also important to note when having cracked nipples. 

Breast Engorgement can happen in the early stages of breastfeeding. While you and your baby are getting used to feeding, your breast may become too full and painful. Breast engorgement can lead to other issues like blocked milk ducts resulting in feeling full and tender in the breasts and mastitis resulting from unresolved blocked milk ducts. Mastitis is inflammation of the breast and can cause your breast to feel painful and hot. 

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How can Chiropractic care help?

Paediatric chiropractors are trained to examine children from as early as their first day of life and into young adulthood. They are also able to identify any causes for breastfeeding difficulties, educate you on tips and tricks, and recommend what treatment is best for your child. If your child is suited for chiropractic care, their treatment will differ to adults and older children. The adjustments they receive are very safe as the pressure used to deliver an adjustment is very minimal compared to adjustments seen and given to adults. Chiropractors will also alter their adjusting techniques to suit your child. Adjustments of the upper neck are aimed to improve movement fixations that may be causing discomfort to your baby. These adjustments also help to improve vagus nerve hypertrophy which can help with breastfeeding and digestion. 

However, chiropractic care for your new born child is not just for breastfeeding issues. Your paediatric chiropractor will also be able to give you general advice and help track your baby’s growth and development. Book in with your nearest paediatric chiropractor to have your child checked!


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