Chiropractic care for neck pain.

Neck pain treatment Brisbane

Neck pain can begin suddenly (or after a period of time) after car accidents, horse falls, sleeping funny or gradually from sitting too long at work.

Aching, stiffness or sharpness along your neck or down to your shoulders?

Neck pain: common complaints.

Neck problems can present as:

  • Aching/sharpness along your neck down to shoulder blades

  • Stiff neck when moving

  • Muscle spasms

  • Clicking/grating noises

  • Headaches/migraines


Neck pain treatment.

As poor posture is a very common cause for neck pain, taking regular breaks from work helps immensely.

However seek help if it:

  1. Lasts more than one week 

  2. Comes back every few weeks or months

  3. Does not resolve with stretching

  4. Radiates or refers down into your shoulders or shoulder blades

Chiropractic is generally considered safe but may be associated with possible adverse reactions depending on your health.

Our chiropractor at Tan Chiropractic will provide a thorough examination to figure out the cause of your neck pain pain and if chiropractic can help it. 

Bulk billing and ADF $400 benefit now available

Are part of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Family Health Program? If so, you should be entitled to $400 which could be spent on allied health and medical specialists. Under the program members are entitled $400 per financial year for each registered dependant of this benefit. Click here for more information.

Bulk billing is also available to eligible patients.