Neck pain during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, your growing belly shifts your weight to the front and tilts your pelvis back. Your neck will then shift forwards to counterbalance that change in posture.


Aching, stiffness or sharpness along your neck or down to your shoulders?

We don’t have to tell you that your body undergoes huge transformations when pregnant.

During pregnancy, your growing belly shifts your weight to the front and tilts your pelvis back. Your neck will then shift forwards to counterbalance that change in posture. 

After your baby has arrived, nursing, feeding, burping or just simply looking down and cooing at your child also places additional pressure on your neck and shoulders. 

For those reasons, neck pain is common during this time and can be a huge, well, pain in the neck. 

Dr Jacinth has extensive experience in prenatal, pregnancy and postnatal care and working with new mothers to help them with their pain and discomfort. 

If you are unsure if chiropractic care is right for you, please don’t hesitate to call us so we can have a chat before booking an appointment. 


Bulk billing and ADF $400 benefit now available

Are part of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Family Health Program? If so, you should be entitled to $400 which could be spent on allied health and medical specialists. Under the program members are entitled $400 per financial year for each registered dependant of this benefit. Click here for more information.

Bulk billing is also available to eligible patients.