Jaw Pain: How Tan Chiro Can Help.
Chiropractic and jaw pain Brisbane - what is jaw pain and how our experienced chiropractors in North Brisbane can help.

Pain with chewing or talking? A alicking when opening or closing your mouth?
Jaw Pain, TMJ, Bruxism or Something else?
As explained in our TMJ pain page, Bruxism, TMJ, and TMD are different names for essentially the same condition.
TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint. The TMJ is the anatomical term to describe the jaw joint.
TMD is temporomandibular disorders, TMJD is temporomandibular jaw disorders - they basically just mean disorders of the jaw joint.
Bruxism is the term of teeth clenching, or teeth grinding.
How is jaw pain diagnosed?
When it comes to jaw pain, there are currently no standardised testing methods for accurately diagnosing these disorders.
Generally, we take note of your description of symptoms and look into your dental and health histories. Assessment of the problem areas, including the head, neck, face, and jaw will also be done.
In some cases, additional imaging may be recommended.
How do you Know if you have ‘Jaw Pain’? What Does it Feel Like?
When you have jaw pain, you may feel:
Other diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia or gout
Dental (tooth) issues - New fillings or dentures causing an uneven bite. Sometimes the jaw joint can be tight after being in a prolonged open position at the dentist
Wear and tear of the joint, usually caused by osteoarthritis
Head or neck injury
Jaw clenching and teeth grinding, which may be linked to stress or difficulties breathing while sleeping
Radiating pain in the face, jaw, or neck
Painful or non painful clicking, popping or grating in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth
Stiffness in the jaw joint or muscles
Limited movement
Jaw Pain: What Are the Causes?
Jaw Pain: How Tan Chiro can help
Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractors are highly trained in assessing for restriction in spinal joints (it’s the main thing we do all day, every day!).
Chiropractic manipulations and techniques are modified to suit different body types.
Some people may respond well to firm manipulation techniques, some are more suited to gentle low force techniques which include Activator & Drop Piece adjusting.
We check you out and take your preferences and conditions into consideration before starting with treatment!
Dry Needling Therapy
Dr Jace is also proficient at dry needling therapy and uses it to complement your treatment.
Dry needling may be effective for jaw pain especially for loosening the muscles around the jaw joint.
Muscular Stretching & Other Advice
We also prescribe different stretches and take-home exercises you can do to speed up your recovery. In some cases, additional advice regarding various supplements or vitamins intake will also be given to help you along.
We are also a bulk billing chiropractor for applicable clients. Contact us for more information.
Common complaints.
Jaw pain or TMJ (temporomandibular) pain can come in the forms of:
Night or day clenching
Pain with chewing or talking
Clicking when opening or closing your mouth
Constant tightness
Headaches around the temples
Chiropractic is generally considered safe but may be associated with possible adverse reactions depending on your health.
Our chiropractor at Tan Chiropractic will provide a thorough examination to figure out the cause of your neck pain pain and if chiropractic can help it.
Treatment may involve realignment of the neck or jaw joints.
Dry needling therapy or trigger point releases are also often used when necessary.
Bulk billing and ADF $400 benefit now available
Are part of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Family Health Program? If so, you should be entitled to $400 which could be spent on allied health and medical specialists. Under the program members are entitled $400 per financial year for each registered dependant of this benefit. Click here for more information.
Bulk billing is also available to eligible patients.