Tan Chiropractic

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What causes sciatica? How can I avoid it?

Sciatica is a painful and disabling condition, which can result in increased pain, disability, decreased quality of life and increased use of health resources when compared to low back pain. 

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve, which originates in your low back and goes down the legs through your glutes, becomes stuck or impinged which can cause severe low back pain accompanied by electric, sharp and stabby pain down the legs. 

This can become impinged due to a herniated disc in the spine or an overgrowth of bone called an osteophyte. In rare cases this can also be caused by lumbar stenosis or tumors. However, research shows that about 90% of cases are caused by a herniated disc. 

Recent research has shown that nerve root compression can also be seen in asymptomatic populations, and that the degree of neural compression does not actually correlate with symptoms or even recovery. Approximately 67% of disc herniations will spontaneously reabsorb, however symptoms can still persist despite this.

Data estimates that 5-10% of people that have low back pain have sciatica. In the general population, data shows us that the prevalence of disc related sciatica is approximately 2.2%. 

The natural history of sciatica is considered favorable, with approximately 60% of patients suffering with sciatica achieving a good outcome (being >30% improvement in disability) by 3 months and 55-70% by the end of one year. 

What are some other personal factors that increase your risk of developing sciatica?

  • Increasing age - sciatica is most common in patients 45-64 years old. Age related changes in your spine can also lead to sciatica, these include degeneration reducing normal disc spaces, herniated discs or osteophytes. 

  • Height - a 2015 study found that height over 180cm was a risk factor for sciatica, but not for low back pain without sciatica in French and Finnish men 

  • Smoking 

  • Obesity - this increases the stress on your spine as a whole but especially your low back, including the lumbosacral junction where the sciatic nerve originates from. 

What are some lifestyle factors that increase your risk of developing sciatica?

  • Strenuous physical activity - jobs that involve frequent lifting, especially when bending or twisting increase the load on your low back and can lead to initial onset or flare ups of sciatica. 

  • Driving - due to the vibration of the whole body 

  • Prolonged sitting - sitting with things in your back pocket, or sitting or long periods of time will increase the load on your low back

So what can we do to prevent sciatica or sciatica flare ups? 

Exercise regularly:

  • Improving your general physical condition doing whatever exercise suits your schedule the best. From small walks, runs, cycles, swims, or going to the gym and doing some light weights. Anything is better than nothing!

  • To keep the back strong, keep a strong emphasis on building a good strong core, with a strong correlation with increased abdomen strength and reduced low back pain. These muscles are integral for good posture and general alignment. Talk to Jace while you’re here to get some ideas of some great exercises to do!


  • If sitting for long periods, choose one with good lower back support, armrests and a swivel base. For better low back support, place a pillow or rolled towel in the base of the low back so it can maintain its natural lordosis or curve. Try your best to keep your knees and hips level at all times. Try not to sit with anything in your back pockets, especially if you’re going to be there for a while!

Be conscious of your body:

  • When lifting something heavy, let your legs do the work. Hold the load close to your body and avoid lifting and twisting at the same time. If something is too heavy or awkward, find someone to help! 

  • Make sure if you’re at the gym lifting heavy weights (especially with squats and deadlifts) you use correct form, better to lift lighter weights with perfect form than heavy weights with not so good form. 

Just remember: 

Sciatica is something that can be treated! If it pops up it is not a death sentence and we can work together to get you back to your optimum health! Please look at our previous blog post if you haven’t yet to get some ideas of what we can do here at Tan Chiro to get you back to functioning at your very best! 

Speak to us about your sciatica

Looking for sciatica treatment in Brisbane? We are a chiropractor in North Brisbane who pride ourselves in delivering integrity in everything we do. Because of this we continue to place significant value in providing the best chiropractic care we can - we want you to continue living the best version of yourself.